Welcome to the Kings Heights Homeowners Association (KHHOA)
The Kings Heights Homeowners Association would like to welcome you to the community. We are excited to see the community continue to develop and are pleased that so many people have chosen to make Kings Heights their place to call home. We look forward to sharing this great community with you.
News Full
The Board is pleased to announce that effective January 1, 2025 C-Era Property Management will be the new property manager for your HOA. Please view the following for details.
King’s Heights HOA – C-Era Welcome Package – January 2025
HOA fees for 2025 are set at $80+GST and are due by March 31st, 2025. Interest charges will accrue starting April 1st, 2025.
The 2024 Financials are now available. Kings Heights HOA 2023 FS – Signed
Kings Heights Homeowners Association (KHHOA) Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide improved value to the Kings Heights residents and owners through the development, enhancement and maintenance of the Kings Heights area amenities.
KHHOA Vision Statement
Our vision is to create a community environment that has a consistently high aesthetic appeal throughout; to enhance the walkways, ponds and common spaces; to establish and maintain close integrated communication with our stakeholders; and to ensure that the Kings Heights Community remains a preferred choice for current owners and potential buyers.
New Owner Registration*
If you are a new owner in the Kings Heights and are not sure if you are registered, please utilize the Contact Us section of the website for confirmation or assistance in being registered. This will ensure you receive all applicable invoicing and information pertaining to the KHHOA mailed to you.
*Failing to register will not negate your responsibility to pay the annual fees for your home, any applicable late fees, or legal expenses that may be incurred by your account.
Architectural Guideline Compliance
A Homeowner may access the Architectural Guidelines under the resident information section.
*Failing to inquire about your house’s compliance with the Architectural Guidelines will not negate your responsibility to ensure compliance.
Kings Heights Fountains
The fountains are the responsibility of the city of Airdrie. Please contact the parks department directly to report any concerns or for the correct updates. parks@airdrie.ca
Kings Heights Area Map
The houses, condominiums and commercial establishments located within the map are within the Kings Heights Homeowners Association (KHHOA). Click Here on the map to expand. The map also identifies assets under the responsibility of the KHHOA.
Naturalized Ponds
Did you know the pond in your community of Kings Heights is designed to be naturalized? Naturalization is an ecologically-based approach to landscape management used to transform highly-maintained land to a more natural condition. Municipalities have been reverting sections of open space to a more natural state. Many of these areas are along arterial and collector roadways, around storm water ponds and in low-use parkland. These areas are not part of the regular mowing cycle, and may contain trees, shrubs or wildflowers.
Any queries pertaining to the Ponds can be directed to the city of Airdrie as they are responsible for the maintenance and management of the ponds. parks@airdrie.ca
Resident Responsibilities
Residents are responsible to care for the boulevard, alley and driveway crossing adjacent to their property line.